Only the most representative papers are available on-line, but feel free to ask me for any paper of the list (           Last Update: 17-Jul-2024      
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1. Compilers and architectures for HPC

2. Big Data, cloud computing, grid computing and distributed systems 

3. Parallel algorithms & applications


    Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)

   Particle dynamics

   Fluid mechanics
   Image synthesis
   Environmental chemistry
    Sparse numerical algorithms
  • R. Doallo, J. Touriño, F.M. Hermo. Sparse Matrix Operations in Vector and Parallel Processors. 5th International Conference on Applications of High Performance Computers in Engineering, HPC'97. In Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering V, International Series on Advances in High Performance Computing, Volume 3, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 43-52. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), July 1997.
  • B.B. Fraguela, J. Touriño, R. Doallo. Sparse Orthogonalization on the Cray T3D (poster). 2nd European Cray MPP Workshop. Edinburgh (UK), July 1996.
  • R. Doallo, B.B. Fraguela, J. Touriño, E.L. Zapata. Parallel Sparse Modified Gram-Schmidt QR Decomposition. 4th International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking, HPCN'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1067, pp.646-653. Brussels (Belgium), April 1996.

4. Performance modeling, optimization and information gathering of HPC architectures

  • D. Andrade, M. Arenaz, B.B. Fraguela, J. Touriño, R. Doallo. Automated and Accurate Cache Behavior Analysis for Codes with Irregular Access Patterns. 12th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, CPC'2006, pp.179-193. A Coruña (Spain), January 2006.

5. Java/low-latency communications for HPC

6. Fault tolerance: checkpointing of parallel applications

7. Languages and libraries for HPC

    UPC (Unified Parallel C)

    PVM     HPF (High Performance Fortran)

8. Geographic information systems  (GIS applied to land consolidation/management and meteorology)

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